2017-2018 EXECUTIVE
Executive and Responsibilities
President - currently held by Kimberly Hanna
Leads all meetings, both general and executive
Oversees various committees
Vice President - currently held by Jennifer Keach
Assist the President and assumes the role when the President is unable
Oversee various committees
Treasurer - currently held by Natasha Livingston
Accepts all payments and maintains bank account
Pays all bills within 30 days
Maintains financial spreadsheets to present at all executive meetings
Ensures financial compliance with club by-laws
Secretary - currently held by Stefanie Smith
Documents all meetings, including general, executive and committee meetings
Posts meeting minutes in executive group within 5 days to be uploaded by media chairperson
Media/PR Chairperson - currently held by Shelley Demeter
Keeps all social media current - facebook, website, pinterest, dropbox, various google platforms
Creates all club propaganda, such as brochures, handouts, etc.
Sends out reminders using both Remind 101 and emails
All members of the executive are expected to actively participate in various club activities, including workshops and meetings.